At DUOS, we specialize in connecting you with the services and programs that support your health and well-being. DUOS comes with your Magellan Healthcare insurance, so there’s no cost to you. Click below to get started or call us at (484) 279-2167 (TTY: 711) to learn more.
DUOS helps older adults live to the fullest by connecting you with the services and programs that add to your life, support your independence, and help you stay active.
Your personalized DUOS directory includes local community resources, government programs, and benefits from your health plan - all ready for you to explore!
Our team is here to help you make the most of your health benefits and services in your community. Give us a call between 9 am – 9 pm ET, Monday–Friday, if you want to chat.
DUOS offers connections for everything from transportation, to food, to finding a new doctor. Whatever is on your to-do list, we're ready!
Connections to local transportation companies that can get you to the doctor, the store, and more.
Connections to meal and grocery delivery services, nutritional counseling, and more.
Connections to home repair and modification services, utility cost assistance, and more.
Connections to new doctors, prescription support, mental health services, and more.
Connections to your community - classes, social groups, fitness options, and more.
Curious about what services or programs are in your community or available with your Magellan Healthcare plan? Let DUOS make a connection.
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